RRSA Vero Beach wants our blog readers to know that if you are a homeowner in South Florida whose roof has been damaged by a tree, the damage could be so extensive that you need a new roof. We offer free roof inspections. What our professional roofing pros may discover is that the damage caused to your roof by a tree may require a totally new roof being installed.
The roof of your South Florida home is your family’s first defense against the elements. So let’s talk about your roof, and especially how trees hanging over your roof can cause damage, What a lot of homeowners don’t know is that a single tree branch can wreak havoc on your South Florida roof. Branches can be putting your home in danger for more than one reason. Below we have listed different scenarios in which trees can damage the roof of your South Florida home:
- Falling branches–Gravity is the law that never changes. If there is a branch hanging over the roof of your South Florida home, there’s a good chance it is going to fall one day. When an overhanging branch dies, the possibility of it falling on your roof highly multiplies. Pay attention to the branches of your trees. Look for broken branches, especially after a strong storm. On some trees, you may not know that a branch is broken until about a month later when the leaves turn brown.
- Animals can access your roof–Animals use tree branches like we use roads. Squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and possums can have a field day in the branches hanging over your roof. Don’t be surprised to wake up to the sound of scratch in your attic one morning because a raccoon family invited themselves in.
- Accumulated moisture–Branches that shade your roof or lie on top of it will prevent moisture from evaporating quickly–meaning moisture soaks into your roof. Over time, this moisture causes rot and decay of your South Florida roof, which will ultimately lead to leaks and higher energy bills as air escapes.
- Leaves from branches clogging gutters–Gutters exist for one reason: to take water from your roof and send it as far away from your house as possible. That way water doesn’t leak down into your foundation or rot away your siding. Gutters clogged with leaves will eventually overflow with rainwater, sending water cascading down your siding, where it will leave ugly stains, rot the siding and slowly cause your foundation to shift and become unstable.
- Branches can scratch and damage shingles–Most shingles are made of little asphalt granules. These shingles lose granules gradually over time from rainstorms, sun exposure and dust. But they can also be scraped off your roof by tree branches. When the wind blows branches across your roof, the shingles of your South Florida roof get worn down much faster than usual, putting your roof at risk for leaks or shingles that fly off during a storm.

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